A splash of orange juice, a dash of water, a squeeze of lime, a drop of desperation. Any copywriter who’s ever tried to list ingredients will know there are only so many words to describe quantity. (No one wants a ‘splurge’ of anything, before you refer to the thesaurus.)
Thank the packaging Gods for Prodjuice, then, which displays what’s inside each bottle visually. And we don’t mean with clip-art-style images of fruit.
Their glass apothecary-style bottles have transparent labels with different sized grid lines to represent the amount contained in each bottle. So not only can you see the juice itself, you can also judge how orangey, limey or watermelony your drink will taste.
The designer behind the bottles said “We were inspired by the way the ingredients layers in the bottle while settling, like sediments forming their own natural layer… Rather than showing imagery of fresh fruit, or colours representing the flavour, it was all about what was IN the bottle that matters most.”
Hear that people? A blueberry in the bottle is worth two on the Mac.